Friday, February 6, 2009

I hate Court Cards!!

I've been invited to go to Synagogue for Shabbat services tonight. This will be the first time I am attending Shabbat in over 10 years. I wanted to know what I could expect from and take from the experience, so I asked my Gilded.

I pulled the King of Swords, the Page of Swords and the Knight of Swords reversed. I think it means something that I pulled not only all Court Cards, but all Court Cards in the same suit. I think it shows some growth as the Page is youngest and we move through all the males courts to the Wisdom and Social Responsibility of the King.

Swords stand for intellect and thought. All three of these gentleman know their truth. Their own truth. Without the blending of understanding from Cups or passion from Wands and grounding found in Pentacles their may be a tendency to shut myself to the messages being given by the Rabbi because of my own distrust of organized religion.

The first card was His Majesty. Our King sits comfortably on his throne, assured in his own knowledge. The next is the young lad. He is standings as if posing for a portrait of royalty and knowledge, however there is an uncertainty behind the eyes. Our Page is trying to convince everyone, including himself that he has the answers. Finally is our messenger falling off his horse.

Our Knight raises his sword high ready for battle, sure in his certainty. His Golden Sword glows with virtue and righteousness. Reversed our knight is a wild braggadocio.

These cards are telling me to that I need to "forget" my knowledge and approach tonight as the student Page. I need to not look unkindly on tonight's service and turn it to a social event or an opportunity to show my vast knowledge. I just need to be quiet and aware and learn.


  1. Did you shuffle upside down? :)

    Your take on these cards rings true for me, Gary. Without looking at them, I like the lesson you chose to pull.

    I subscribe to two aspects on reversals, one, if all cards are reversed, I read them as upright, two, intuition overrides reversal, or card meaning as I've previously known it, anytime.

    So what's with the court prejudice? Too limited in their scope? Too narrow? I'm a recovering catholic, by the way, and can relate. I've seen myself at a wedding or funeral agree with a sermon, and then gone "Hey! Remember where you are!", returning to my cynicism.

    I hoe it goes well tonight and as I said, I like your take on the draw.

  2. Gotta say... I hate court cards too.
    All swords... well.. logic, thoughtful communication. I think your last couple sentences sum that up rather well.
    Let us know how it goes...
    Oh, I'm not into organized religion either so I understand what you are getting at.

  3. Good luck I hope it works out. Court cards yeah I can't help ya there.

  4. KK - it's the reform temple on San Jose. At the moment I can't remember the name.

    Karl - I wasn't standing on my head while shuffling, no. LOL. And only the Knight was reversed. I tried to upload the pics but couldn't figure out how to place three jpegs next to each other.

    Court cards are difficult for me because there is so much there. Is it a person, an event, an attitude? They leave me flat and confused.

    Souljourney - It was actually an enjoyable evening. It was a Tu B'Shevat a Jewish holiday of renewal. Pleasingly enough, everything the rabbi said rang true with my own beliefs. We are partners with G/d. We are Caretaker's of the Earth. It all goes back to Jewish mysticism and a bit of Kabbalah.

  5. Gary,

    I think your analysis of the progression from king to page to knight is right on! It's sort of a conflicting spread. In one regard you have "cut" your self free from old tradition but, on the otherhand, there is still much to learn from it.

    Actually, it sounds sort of wonderful:)

    Best to you,

    Tarot Reader and Webmaster of
