Here's something you don't know about me, I am involved with professional independent wrestling here in Jacksonville. It started around three years ago when a buddy of mine asked me to play a part of a hotshot big city lawyer in a story line he was putting together. Since then I have been having a blast playing the part of a bad guy manager.
A few days ago my friend Anne called me from New Hampshire. In the middle of the conversation she asked me if I had a gig coming up. "What do you mean gig?" I asked.
"A wrestling show," Anne answered.
"Yeah," I said. "We have a charity show this Saturday. Why?"
"I have a feeling," she stammered. "Just be careful and watch yourself. Be alert."
Okay, this was interesting. Anne has always been intuitive. She read Tarot and tea leaves when she was younger, only stopping after foreseeing her niece's death. She still gets momentary flashes and can still feel the energies. It is her who suggested that I might have a psychic gift and to develop it. When this woman tells me something I listen!
I grabbed my deck and asked, "What will happen at the wrestling event?"
I threw three cards and received the Knight of Cups, the Two of Wands and The Emperor.

The Knight represents our feelings and intuitions. He also is a messenger that brings opportunity either of creativity or of romance. He sits upon a spirited horse who is rearing up before the charge. Our knight lifts his golden chalice high over his head. He is righteous in his purpose, filled with emotion and creativity. He is ready to dive into the pool before checking to see if there is water in order to follow his dreams.

The Two of Wands represents a decision that needs to be made. We see a man who is following a golden river of possibilities out of the forest. In front of him he sees two giant wands standing straight up. The River of Possibilities fork left and right around the wands. Lush grounds are behind the wands with mountains rising just beyond the lushness. Two bucks stare back at the man as he contemplates his choices. Left or right? The man does not realize there is a third choice as the wands form a gateway to walk through if he continues straight. All of these paths however; lead to the same lush fields and mountains behind them. Sometimes in our passion and fire we focus only on the choices presented to us. This two reminds us that there is
always a third choice if we only can see it.

The Emperor is the law. Societal law. He is the ultimate Father Figure to be reckoned with. We see him standing regally in robes of rich red and blues embroidered with stars and suns. A golden wreath crowns his head. The signs of the zodiac surround him and we can see the stars of the universe beyond them. Like the Magician in the RWS, our Caesar holds a wand in one hand while pointing to the ground with the other. Unlike the RWS Magician, The Emperor's wand is topped with a little sun that is being circled by planets. Our Ruler is more concerned with society then nature. Where the Magician strove to unlock the mysteries of natural law, the Emperor concerns himself with enforcing societal laws.
Taking all of three cards into consideration. I would say that an opportunity will present itself at the event and a choice will be made that will alter the current organization. I believe the Emperor is telling me that this opportunity will do with running an organization. It is possible that the group as I know it know will splinter into two other organizations.
This is interesting - I like your thoughts here. You'll have to let us know what does happen at the event.
ReplyDeleteThe show was well receptive but there was an incident. One of the wrestlers (who is minority money holder in the organization) was nor supposed to be involved in these matches. He went off script and inserted himself into 4 of the 6 matches putting himself over as the big good guy. This did not sit well with the major money holder (this was the first event he ran soup to nuts). The had falling out. My buddy called me earlier this evening to tell me, "we quit CWA. Now we just have to wait for Dave to leave so we can start out own organization."
ReplyDeleteThe cards were right.