I wasn't too worried about my deck since I knew I was going back over to William for the Super Bowl. It did, however; bring up a conundrum later in the week when I wanted to read.
I really wasn't drawn to the Rider Waite Smith deck. I bought it because it is the "standard" and most books and websites that teach Tarot refer to the RWS. I found I couldn't get into the washed out images and the watercolor-like art work. It left me flat so it was with some trepidation I grabbed for the box.
I also wanted to remain true to the spirit of the PDR and didn't want to "learn" another deck. But any port in a storm ...
After my traditional interview of the deck (which I will post as soon as I can remember where I laid it down) I decided to throw a simple Past, Present, Future spread for myself. I drew three cards:
Past - Temperance
Present - The World
Future - Eight of Swords

By splitting the Major Arcana into three groups of seven cards, leaving the fool alone as the traveller, we can look at the three parts of the whole journey. The first part shows the path of finding your place in society and conquering the physical world. The second path, lead by Temperance, is the journey of inner awareness. The third leg is the search for a higher awareness.
This is telling me that my path to inner awareness was started years ago. I started the merging of my spiritual and physical selves when I was 22 years old and I have been learning and growing ever since.

The lesson of The World for me is that I have reached the end of the journey started years ago and represented by Temperance. Since life is an infinite, never ending process it is time to start my next journey which will bring me to Higher Awareness.

Swords represent intellect and the spirit. The breath of life. When we live too much in our head, we close ourselves off to receiving the benefits of other energy. The card shows the merging of Swords with energy of Cup and Pentacle (water and earth) can assist Swords (air) or hinder them.
Flowing freely the emotion and openness of Cups irrigates the earth and allows the ideas of the swords to take root and flourish. However, if Swords exerts too much influence they can dry up the Cup's offering leaving only mud. Mud will bind you where you are.
This card is telling me that I am keeping myself from starting the journey to higher awareness. Over the last few months clues have been dropping, some a subtle as a sledgehammer, to get me started. As of yet, I have not made the commitment to myself.
Yet another clue to get Gary to move his arse. I guess I will leave fear behind (since that is what is keeping me from taking the plunge) and journey down The Road Less Travelled.
A journey completed, a new journey waiting to begin.
ReplyDeleteI'd never noticed that similarity between Temperance and the 8 of Swords -- one foot in water, one on the ground. Interesting. Thank you for pointing it out.
To tell you the truth I saw it for the first time today as I was writing up this blog entry.
ReplyDeleteNice reading Gary, I enjoyed it very much.
ReplyDeleteI always look at that 8 swords and think, she's just not seeing the point! Very often I see the message in this card as how we are experiencing the situation we find ourselves in. How one frees themselves from their particular situation is dependent on how they are prepared to use their mind. Once the lady is able to see the "point/s" she frees herself from the ties and liberation from the situation is then far easier than she thought.....
I too like that she touches a foot into the water's of emotion while keeping one on dry land, indicating here that a balance between the physical and the emotional/spiritual is always needed.
See your reading got me thinking this morning!
I wonder ... coming off of The World presents its own challenge of coming up with a plan for your next phase. In its own way so does the 8 of Swords because the plan was in the 7 prior. Could it be that you may be stymied because of a lack of a plan?
ReplyDeleteI see our poor soul in the 8 of Swords as being the antithesis of Temperance. Look closely at the Temp Angel's feet. You can clearly see her foot in the pool because the water is so clear. Our poor soul of the 8oS wears boots so there is no real contact with the water, or the land, or as you so wonderfully put it the mud. She's certainly not in any position to do that perfect bartending the Temp Angel pulls off.
Just a passing fancy to throw into your throw. I've yet to learn how to place the card representations into my own blog. Now I have blog envy!