Friday, February 20, 2009

Timmy Talks

A number of weeks ago I did a spread to meet my spirit guides. I discovered one of my guides, the one who is with me now, is a little boy named Timmy. In the reading Timmy let me know he was here to help me move on. Since then I was aware of Timmy but understood he was in the background.

Then I started to pull the Page of Swords everywhere. I never made the connection until today that Timmy was the Page of Swords!! Perhaps the reason I was pulling the Page so often was Timmy needed to speak with me. I grabbed my Gilded deck, removed the Page of Swords to use as significator, cleared and shuffled the deck and started to talk with Timmy.

The following is a transcript of the conversation.

This is Timmy.

Timmy, what do you need to tell me?

You need to take time to meditate. To relax and recharge. Only in this way will you be able to free yourself from the prison you created for yourself.

How can I best do this?

You need to commit to going back to dating. This is the only way you can meet someone who will be capable, nurturing and active.

Is there anything else you need to tell me?

You need to accept responsibility for your role in creating the happiness you seek in your family life. Accept responsibility for the actions in your past that created your present and for your actions now that are creating your future.

Timmy, who are you?

I am a young man who suffered from anxiety and emotional issues.

Can you please be a little more specific?

Because of my inner strength and leadership skills I was in a position of running a business.

Timmy I always thought you were young but with these descriptions I feel you are older. How old are you?

I am 17.

How did you die?

I lost my balance with the world.

I wasn't too clear on that answer but at this point was feeling a little drained. I thanked Timmy for being here to guide me and for speaking with me to let me learn more about him. I assured him that I will acknowledge him more often and speak him to gain from his wisdom. I then asked if he had one last thing to let me know before I turned in for the evening.

I am rushing towards joy and happiness.


  1. Very iteresting post, Gary. Good luck with your journey.

  2. Interesting way of communicating with your guide. It seemed to work really well for you, Gary! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Nice conversation. He was young to run a business, wasn't he?

    It would have been interesting to know what era he lived in as well. Will you ask him next time you get a chance?

    With your permission, I'd like to try your spread for my next weekly reading. :)

  4. Me too. I'll follow your link to that spread, and see what happens. I'm intrigued! Please do keep us updated with Timmy, if it's not prying. It's weird (in a good way) how the cards and answers all flow intelligibly.

    Oh, and Firefrost, I do know someone who was already in business by 17!

  5. Well there you go them! Still want to know a bit more about him, tho'! ;)

  6. Inspiring. I want to try something like this too.

  7. Gary, I tried a Spirit Guide spread from elsewhere on this site. I'm still digesting what it showed me, but the "coincidences" are a little spooky. I will have to post about it later on my blog. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction!
