Today my Daily Draw was the Two of Wands. Choices ahead. Unlike the Seven of Cups which shows choices brought about by dreams and wants, the choices here are more concrete. They stem from actions already taken towards a goal. This shows me I am on the right track.
This two shows a man emerging from a forest. He has been following a Golden River. Ahead of him the river forks right and left around two wands planted firmly in the ground. The wands form a gateway that shows a third option that does not follow the flowing golden streams. Energy in the form of lightning streak from the tops of the wands towards the sky beyond into a valley formed by the mountain ranges in the background.
I have been lightly researching starting a website dedicated to giving Tarot readings by email. Eventually I envision the website to be a full e-commerce site selling all things Tarot, metaphysical and New Age-y. Tarot decks, Tarot sets, Tarot books. Tarot bags and boxes, table coverings. Incense, candles and crystals. It is a huge challenge. The Wands Two show me it is attainable.
The lightning stretching into the unknown beyond the mountains provide me with the direction. Into the unknown. This tells me if I follow my current path I am going where I never tread before. I will be outside my comfort zone. As such it is also a warning. The proper course of handling these unknown challenges were told to me yesterday with my drawing of the Reversed Four of Swords. In 78 Degrees of Wisdom, Rachel Pollack advises the Reversed Four, "... refers to caution, as if the knight emerges carefully from his sanctuary."
This tells me I need to proceed slowly in this endeavor and make sure I cross my T's and dot my i's. To have all my eggs in one basket.
The Twos refers to unions and the LWB that came with my Gilded deck states, "the Two may also indicate a partnership; collaborations and negotiations with others might be important to your project, so these are worthy of consideration." This advises me to be open to others assistance and ideas, not be married to just my own.
Overall the two is a positive card. Energies have progressed to get the project off the ground.
Now comes the heavy lifting.
Wow, you're busy--all those daily draws! Forgive me if I slack for a couple of days, then catch up in a fell swoop.
ReplyDeleteNeat idea about starting a metaphysical e-shop. If it was me in your shoes, I'd be partnering with someone who knows about legalities and Paypal and all that already. Obviously, the product is the fun part, and I think it will be the least likely to cause you any grief.
Good work discerning the untrodden path. I would have seen as ?Robert Frost? did: "Two paths diverged in a wood and I...I took the one less travelled by."