In the Gilded deck we see her standing on a patio next to the eternal flame that is shown us in the Ace. She is looking right at us in a proud and confident manner and is dressed in oranges and yellows. Her red-violet cape is clasped at her neck with an orange orb. Her dress is is adorned with a simple pattern and it's hood covers her head. She holds a wand in front of her as if it was an electric guitar ripe for playing. The skies behind her are a combination of fiery and passionate reds, oranges and wines, and while clouds gather they do not threaten.
The Queen is the yin to the King's yang. In the fire cards The King's enthusiasm rushes out into action. With the Queen, the enthusiasm manifests itself in approachability. Voted most popular, our Queen is always there to befriend another and listen. But she is no wall-flower, no. If active action is dictated she will be in the forefront with ideas and support.
I am unsure why I received a message from our fiery Queen today. It could relate to my last few readings/blogs and the business endeavor. A message to use my thoughts and my feelings when taking action. She might be telling me to sit back and let the pretty redhead on the bus come to me.
I really don't know.
If you feel you don't know, maybe you could pull a clarifying card? 'What is the Queen of Wands telling me?' type thing... Just a thought...
ReplyDeleteI find the court cards really difficult, too. I was studying my deck in order, beginning with the majors, but I think I might break off from that and focus on the courts for a couple of weeks.
ReplyDeleteShe isn't the soccer mom. That's a false facade if I know my soccer moms the way I wish I didn't. Please don't do this gal a dis-service by labeling her with such a superficial goal. She attracts the soccer moms, but she is not of them.