Our page knows his truth but rather than rushing into the fray like his brother Knight he puts himself above the issues. The distraction is beneath him. He remains apart and aloof. His secretive analytical nature can make him paranoid.
Like his mother Queen yesterday, I do not know why he is visiting. After the days of wands that spoke to my business ideas, I now receive two swords whose message seems to be not speak of this endeavor. To go ahead and work on getting the biz up and running.

My answer was the Two of Cups and Temperance.
The Two of Cups is a cup of relationships and true friendship. We see the profiles of a man and woman sitting above two golden cups. Above the profiles is the Earth. A star burst fills the space between the couple, arcing into an encompassing light that touches the cups.
The images here are of unified opposites. The man and the woman. Blonde and Brunette. And while the two gaze at each other there does not seem to be love in the looks. Instead we find determination in the woman and a bit of suspicion, like our Page, from the man.
Temperance is Balance. Not the balancing of the Scales of Justice, but the balancing of the forces in ourselves. Nature and Society. Religion and Magic. The Known and The Unknown. We see a beautiful redheaded woman in profile dressed in orange. Clouds of the mysterious night are below her, clear skies and fiery Mars above her. She is mixing two cups at an impossible angle. Fire flowing from the Golden Cup turns into Water when landing the Silver one.
Again, the images speak to unifying opposites. These two cards are telling me I must marry the opposites inside myself. My spiritual side with my worldly side. I have always hard a difficulty with charging for my talents. Whether it is reading cards, acting or fixing computers I have always felt that if I can do it I should and not make a big deal about money. The Queen yesterday was telling me to be approachable as a business and that means accepting payments.
The Page being a secretive analytical fellow tells me I must learn to be more open and trusting in the universe. Understand that I can not control all aspects of everything.
Yes-ish. With the 2 of cups qualifying the Page of Swords, I actually think you are being cautioned, but I'm not sure about what possible danger, but I do believe it relates to business partners/associates. I'll quote a passage that has always stuck with me, regarding the 2 of Cups:
ReplyDelete"[The image] indicates a very human attempt to achieve unity, even though it also sows the seeds for betrayal. It is still true...that a majority of people do not take their commitments and pledges very seriously....As a result, the unity that is achieved...is more an illusion than reality....it suggests that any commitment, pledge, or contract should be entered into only with extreme caution."
(Carl Japikse, Exploring the Tarot)
Not meaning to spoil your fun--eyes open, so it continues to be fun!