Today's card is Justice. It is the card that says it time to stand and be judged. To account for your actions. But judged by whom? Are you to be judged by a Higher Power? No, the judgement that Justice brings is more severe, for you are to stand in front of the soul mirror and give testament on your life choices and decisions. You are held accountable to yourself.
As part of The Fool's Journey Justice comes after the Wheel of Fortune. Our Fool has contemplated his world when meeting The Hermit and discovered the patterns of the universe in his visions of The Wheel. He now understands cause and effect and how his actions helped form his world. The celebrations and the challenges. In Justice he is called to accept this fact.

So many of us intellectually know that our actions have consequences, both good and bad. But many of us do not embrace and own that fact. We still blame others and hold on to our denial and deceit to ourselves.

In Justice we see a young ruler sitting on a throne. Dressed in a red gown he brings to mind both
The Emperor and
The Hierophant.
The Emperor teaches lessons of authority and the punishments of disrespecting it. If you are caught speeding, you will get a ticket.
The Hierophant teaches lessons of social acceptance. If you dress wrong or like the wrong music you will be ostracized. Both of these cards show early lessons in cause and effect but the realization does not happen until
Justice also is reminiscent of
The King of Swords. Both rulers are sitting on thrones and both hold swords in their right hands. Whereas the sword of the King is tilted slightly to the right and shows a readiness to leap into the fray for a cause, Justice's sword is standing straight up. It is balanced.
Justice has no dog in the fight.

In addition to the sword in Justice's right hand he is also holding scales in his left. The
Scales of Justice are empty and balanced.
Justice does not have a previous opinion on any issue and will only look and listen to the evidence presented.

The pose
Justice strikes in reminiscent of
The Magician with one hand pointing up and the other pointing down.
Justice also harkens to
The High Priestess. Justice's throne sits between two pillars and there is a veil masking what's behind the throne.
In this way Justice shows us that we must not only accept the cause and effect our choices bring but also the Yin and the Yang of Action and Reaction, Active Consciousness and Contemplation that is represented in The Magician and The High Priestess.
The lesson brought by Justice is simply to accept yourself in whole. Accept that you are, as Seinfeld said, "Master of Your Domain." You control the vertical and you control the horizontal of your life. Use the tools of creation The Magician brings you. Use the tools of meditation and contemplation The High Priestess brings you and design the life you deserve. You can only do this if you accept the lessons of Justice and accept responsibility for you life.
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