Today's tarot pairing features The King of Pentacles and The Star - Reversed. Upon first glance my reaction was, "Huh." I then sat back and contemplated the two cards in front of me.
The King of Pentacles can be seen as a successful business man. Unlike the other Kings who sit on their throne trying to live up to the responsibilities, our Pentacle King lounges in his. He is comfortable with his status and the responsibilities his hard work has brought. The back of the throne does not rise to the heavens as it does in the Swords and Wands King but stops comfortably behind his head. The responsibilities are not bigger than he is.
Even though our King has the creature comforts that Pentacles promises, this is not what rules him. The golden sky shows the abundance he has and the three tiered castle shows he has won the material gains of the physical world, but that castle sits in the background and is separated from our King by a stone wall. Instead, our King sits in his garden surrounded by nature. This shows he is connected to all around him and he is grounded. Success has not made him bitter or egotistical. He remains comfortable with who he is.

Both show mythical creatures. An angel in Temperance and a nymph in The Star. Both have one foot on the ground and the other in water and both are pouring water from cups.
However, our angel is clothed and modest whereas our Star nymph is naked and free. Temperance's foot is immersed in water showing she is surrounded by emotion, while The Star's foot rests atop the water indicating mastery. Finally, the angel pours water back and forth between two chalices with precision. Careful not to waste a drop. The nymph pours water generously and without fear, knowing the wellspring is ever flowing.
Reversed, the emotional calmness and certainty vanishes. You have self doubts and fears arise. You begin to fall under the influence of The Moon.
Things are as not as scary as they are with The Moon. The certainty is not lost but blocked. The emotional calmness is hiding.
Together these cards tell me that I am worrying about my business and success too much. This is my first entrepreneurial venture and I guess there is concern. The lesson here is not to block my own peace and contentment for that will hinder my success and growth. I must trust in the upright Star and the promises of The King of Pentacles.
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