The image of today's card woud seem to say everything you need to know about the Three of Swords. Three swords pierce a heart, the blades cut straight through. Dark and heavy rains shower the injured heart. This is a card of hurt and pain. Of jealousy, heartbreak and worry. The Golden Dawn's title for the Three of Swords is "Sorrow," but is there something else going on here?
Threes represent the full expression of their element. In Swords the element is Air, which stands for intellect. So how does the the full expression of intellect equal pain and heartbreak? Did anyone ever say a person is so smart they cry?
The full expression of intellect would be a Vulcan, Mr. Spock. A totally logical creature. Someone for who emotions are less than a nuisance. They have risen above being controlled by their heart. They believe emotions and being controlled by emotions make you weak and vulnerable.
Our Swords Three is showing not that pain and sorrow is here or might be coming. Instead, it is showing us how to overcome that pain so it doesn't rule us. It tells us not to push the pain away but to let it in and accept it. Through accepting it we somehow transform it with our courage to face it and with love.
A good friend once told me that any feeling you may have is neither good nor bad. It is only true for you at the moment you are having it. Honor it. Let it run it's path. Give it a beginning, a middle, and an end. The trouble starts when you get stuck in any of the parts.
I can think of no better description for the Three of Swords.
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