As opposed to yesterday, today's Daily Draw makes perfect sense. The Two of Wands indicates the beginnings of a journey. It may be a journey of the soul, a business opportunity or a sudden trip.
The image on the Gilded Tarot (left) shows a well dressed man emerging from some brush. In front of him a golden river flows through the grass and forks around two wands that shoot energy from the top, towards the mountains.
Our man is clearly starting a journey (notice the walking stick) and is faced with his first choice. Two's in Tarot signify unions, but also choices and dilemmas. Which fork to take? That decision is not between two roads but three. The man could choose to take the path between the two wands. He appears stuck in the decision.
The image on the Rider (right) is slightly different. Whereas both show a young man and two wands that form a gateway the meaning is slightly different. On the Rider, our man is standing on a balcony holding one wand while the other is anchored to the wall. He looks out, over a globe in his hand, at the bay beyond. Although he holds the world in his hands, our man is bored and listless and yearning for the adventures that abound beyond the bay. The feeling of the card reminds me of the Eight of Cups.

Both images, however, shows us immobility. In the Gilded, that immobility comes from which decision to make. A paralysis of analysis. In the Rider the lack of action comes from boredom with maybe a hint of wistfulness.
The lesson for me is that it is time to move on in order to keep my project alive and kicking. I must make the decision of which path to follow. But move I must, otherwise nothing will get done.
It is interesting to note that the Two of Wands was pulled reversed. While I use reversals in my reading, I do not use them in my Daily Draw. The reason is simple. I use this blog as a forum to share and teach. It is easier not to stray into blocked or "negative" energy with these simple posts.
However, one of the reversed meanings that Waite gave for the Reversed Two of Wands was to leave behind a safe situation and venture out into the unknown. Another definition looks at the Reversed Two as the "Cinderella Card" for it may presage astonishing or even miraculous changes in a "dead end" situation.
This definitely fits me today, as I have stepped into the unknown and removed the safe but draining contacts from my project. And I am most certainly am looking for a miracle to help get me off the ground.
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