Thursday, January 1, 2009

Interview With My New Gilded Tarot - PDR #1

I received some Tarot decks and books as gifts for Channukah this year. One deck was the Original RWS I wanted because it the standard. Wherever I go on the web to get knowledge or to learn, the sites always refer to the RWS or RWS "style" decks so I figured I needed to get one. The other deck was The Gilded Tarot. I felt an attachment for this deck when I first spied it on AT. I was drawn to the art work. When I opened the deck I was not disappointed. The artwork took my breath away. It is simply gorgeous. It doesn't just speak to me it sings!!

The deck was a part of a set with a Learn To Read Tarot book called, "Easy Tarot." I have been reading Tarot on and off for 10 years with my Merlin Deck, so after cracking open the deck and drooling I decided to do a reading. I threw a Interview Spread to see what kind of personality my new Gilded had. Only after the reading did I open the companion book and found Rule #1:

Rule #1
Do not rush right in and do a reading by throwing a spread and looking up the meanings of the cards.


Oh well. I decided that I wanted to learn Tarot properly and so I now approach the deck as a total newbie. One of the learning techniques the author shares is to keep a journal (this site) and to write down your thoughts of each card in your journal. Not the book definition but your own thoughts and feelings on the card. I will share this information, as well as any readings I do on a weekly basis (sometimes more often, sometimes less).

So to start 2009 off right we will start with the Interview with my Gilded Tarot:

Interview With The Gilded Tarot - January 1, 2009

Question 1 - Tell me about yourself. What is your most important characteristic?
Card - Judgement
Description of Card - A helmeted female messenger is about to sound a Golden Horn. Judgement day has arrived. Around the horn are beautifully drawn humans that seem to be dancing (at least in ballet/dance poses). The woman gazes down on the horn and/or the humans.
Interpretation - You will reap what you sow. Whatever you put into getting to know me I will give you back. We are partners in this journey so do not expect me to do all the work.

Question 2 - What are your strengths as a deck?
Card - Six of Wands
Description of Card - A gentleman sits atop a horse parading through an adoring crowd. He sits proudly with a wreathed wand in one of his hands. Banners wave behind him as he is honored for his accomplishments.
Interpretations - I will reward your hard work to get to know me.

Question 3 - What are your limits as a deck?
Card - Three of Cups
Description of Card - Three young ladies dance with streamers in their hands. The are dressed in colors that represent the other three elements (fire, air and earth). Below them two cups pour water into a third cup which is overflowing and creating a body of water below it which the third cup sits on top of.
Interpretations - I am a pragmatic tool that can help you increase your understandings. I will not help celebrate your successes. I am not your friend. I really do not care about affairs of the heart.

Question 4 - What do you bring to the table? What are you here to teach me?
Card - Seven of Swords
Description of Card - A man holding five swords is exiting a dwelling. Two more swords lay on the floor. The man is looking back, as if making sure he is not spotted. Clearly this man is up to no good and is stealing the swords. A cat watches the thief with apathy as he leaves.
Interpretations - I will teach you how to deal with disappoint and loss. All is not rosy and you will need how to learn to deal with these situations if you are to find peace and contentment.

Question 5 - How can I best learn from and collaborate with you?
Card - Four of Pentacles
Description of Card - A well dressed merchant stands in a room, possibly a balcony, clutching four pentacles to his chest. He is garbed in a lush purple gown with rings on his fingers. His hands are clasped around the pentacles.
Interpretations - The best way you can learn from me is hard work. Nose to the grindstone, shoulder to boulder. Be serious in your studies and your desires to learn and grow and I will reward you. Paradoxically, let go of a results oriented goal system. For that is not me and not the nature of Tarot.

Question 6 - What is the potential outcome of our working relationship?
Card - Page of Wands
Description of Card - A page strolls confidently across a checkered floor of the balcony. He holds a wand in front as a trophy he is entitled to. Orange trees grow in the background. My but he is full of himself!!
Interpretation - You will be able to receive messages and understand the vibrations around you. You will grow to feel comfortable with your gifts that have been developed with my help. You will find new directions to apply your skills.

Overall Feelings
Wow!! I think my deck is a haughty, confident little bugger!! It is a no nonsense, pragmatic partner that will very often "coach me up." It is more likely to kick me in my ass than console and commiserate with me when things take a down turn. It is very full of itself. I don't know if that is arrogance or confidence. The presence of the Page would leave me to say arrogance.

If my deck was a person I don't think we would be good friends. In fact, from this reading, I get the very distinct feeling that we will not. It will be a successful relationship but my deck will never let me forget it is above me. It will always remain aloof.

Haughty is the perfect word.

As far as the deck. The artwork is full. The deck sits comfortably in the hand and shuffles well. Despite my decks full opinion of itself, I still look forward to working with it.


  1. Awesome reading and tarot spread! I'm going to do this with my tarot deck as well. Thanks so much for the tarot spread and the example. :D.

  2. I have this deck as well. I'm going to interview it now even though I've used it for a month. I would say my deck is a bit cheeky and fun because I did a reading where I asked it a "should i or shouldn't I" type of thing and it basically said, "you know you are going to anyway, go! why bother us with this?" lol
