I know I said I was going to continue my deck study with the help of the How To book. Using the LWB as a springboard, I was going to concentrate on what the cards and images mean to me. But that was before I ran across KK's Sick Pet spread on AT.
For the last several weeks Abbey has been nursing her left front paw. At first I thought it was a simple twist from turning to fast when chasing the cats. Now, I'm not sure. It has gotten steadily worse. She will not put any pressure on the paw choosing to walk and run on three legs. She is constantly licking and gnawing at it and whimpers as she does so. When the pain gets so bad she cries and looks at me with those big brown eyes as if imploring me to make it stop.
I am giving her two to four Tylenol a day to ease her pain and am planning to take her to the vet, but need to wait until next week due to money and transportation issues. I did want to know what was going on her thoughts so when I ran across KK's spread I thought it was a good enough reason to break my "no readings until initial deck study was done" rule. So here goes:
How does my sick dog feel?
Question 1 - What does my dog believe?
Card - Three of Pentacles
Description of Card - A worker holds a pentacle he just removed from the kiln high. There is a definite look of pride and satisfaction on his face. Two other pentacles hang, possibly bolted, above the kiln. The kiln is still hot with fire showing there is still work to be done and the pentacle being held is still alight with heat from the kiln it was recently removed from.
Interpretation - Abbey believes that what daddy (me) is doing right now is making her feel better and he will continue to help her feel better.
Question 2 - What is keeping her grounded?
Card - Ten of Swords
Description of Card - A man lies dead (or unconscious) in a field of tall grass. A deer moves in carefully to investigate the health of the man. Ten glowing swords hover just above the man on the downward descent. The sky is dark but growing lighter as we move left to right.
Interpretation - Abbey feels that as bad as the pain is, it can't get any worse and is in fact getting better because of the medicine daddy is giving her. (Personal note: She also is being a little drama queen, milking all the attention she can get out of the issue with her paw)
Question 3 - How is she feeling?
Card - Three of Swords
Description of Card - A heart is being pierced by three swords. The heart is floating in the air and has the glow of the sun behind it. Dark clouds build underneath the heart, but turn white, light and fluffy as we move from bottom to top. A Sun emblem sits in the middle of the pierced heart almost as an insignia or crest.
Interpretation - Because of the pain she is feeling (as represented by the swords piercing the heart) Abbey is feeling detached and separate from me. Usually we an in sync but the pain in the paw is not making her feel much like playing.
Question 4 - What is that sparkle in her eyes?
Card - Ten of Cups (I smiled warmly when I saw this card)
Description of Card - Two ladies sit on a bench in a yard filled with lush grass. Behind them sits a cottage with the door open and no glass in the windows. The ladies are knitting (crocheting?) what I imagine is a Home Sweet Home sign. A cat plays with the yarn as bees buzz around the house. A rainbow of ten cups cover the entire scene.
Interpretation - Abbey loves her home and feels very safe and comfortable within it. She gets excited whenever daddy returns and looks forward to greeting him at the door.
Question 5 - What is she thinking?
Card - Three of Cups (Another card that made me happy!)
Description of Card - Three young ladies dance with streamers in their hands. The are dressed in colors that represent the other three elements (fire, air and earth). Below them two cups pour water into a third cup which is overflowing and creating a body of water below it which the third cup sits on top of.
Interpretation - Abbey feels as if she has it all. She is feeling very loved.
Overall Feelings
It is clear that Abbey is hurting (I didn't need the cards to tell me that!). What is also very clear is that she places a lot of trust in me. She knows that I will do everything I can to make her feel better. She feels loved in this home.
I'm not sure how Tylenol does with animals. I don't think it's very good for them. And 3 to 4 a DAY?? That's an awful lot for a dog size being!! A buffered aspirin is much better for their stomachs - just one or two a day. Just a side thought from what you said.
ReplyDeleteOK, sorry I got pulled away from the computer before I was able to finish my comments. LOL Now for what I wanted to say also.....what a cute Abbey dog!! She's adorable. And from your reading it does seem she's exactly where she wants to be....with you. I had another thought about the 3 of pents card as well. I think she believes that YOU are her job and she feels she's very good at it.....being your companion, being there for you as well as you being there for her. Anyway I could go on and on....can you tell I love animals? LOL I hope she feels better soon!
ReplyDeleteI cut her down to one Tylenol after seeing how listless she was on two. I try not to exceed two a day. Usually before I go to work and one when I get home. But if she is crying to much, my heart breaks and I give her another. I'll have to check about Tylenol and dogs.
ReplyDeleteAs for she thinking I am her job. Possible. She is extremely possesive of me. When I was married I couldn't even hug my wife without her stepping in between us and prying us apart. If the cats get to close she will stop whatever she is doing and chase them away.
So maybe her job is keeping me all to herself and she does *that* very well.
We are going to the vet on Saturday so I will update you on her condition.
Yea, I'm not completely sure how Tylenol does with dogs. I just know the vets always tell me to give buffered aspirin when needed.
ReplyDeleteBut yes, please keep us updated on her. Let us know what the vet says. And I hope she feels better soon.
She just looks soooo happy and pleased with herself in that picture. Makes me laugh everytime I see at it. LOL
It's my favorite pic of her. It really shows her personality. My aunt has a picture of Abbey and me on her couch. Abbey is sittinf straight up on her hind legs with her paw on my shoulder like we are best buds. And she looking straight at the camera. A higly intelligent dog!